Saturday, March 12, 2011

box 12

What. a. day. 

I had fun at two goodwill shops.  At the first one I got a bookshelf for $15.  I had to assemble it myself...which took longer than expected, but that's okay.  Apparently at this goodwill they get products that have been bumped or bruised in it was a brand you'd get at target, but for much less. 

At the next shop I increased my vinyl collection with the soundtrack to The Sound of Music and The Graduate.  And Simon and Garfunkel in Central Park...on two albums.  I also got a fireplace tool set.  (No more reaching into the fire with my bare hands.)

After worship tonight, I started assembling the book shelf, which took a while, but I enjoyed the St. Patty's show on Prairie Home Companion.  When I finished, I thought a nice glass of red wine would be good as I unpacked a box of books.  I set the glass on the bathroom counter and the rest is a blur.  Somehow I gracefully knocked it over and got a good gash on my finger in the process.  (It's throbbing as I type.) So, after three overlapped bandaids, sweeping, vacuuming and swiffing the bathroom floor and walls....I started a load of laundry to see if the blood & wine will come out of that towel.

I did get that box of books unpacked and found some books from my childhood that come with 45s.  (all in all a good record day.)  I'm thankful that my dinner was takeout from the farmer's market.  I'm sad, though that the wine glass was my red wine IU glass....pooey. 

I'll have to add pictures of the bookshelf tomorrow, as it is in a room with no central lighting ;) 

Until the next box . . .

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