Friday, September 17, 2010

old friends...

Just finished a beautiful 13 mile ride with my friend Connie.  She introduced me to sprints on a bike...yup, I've done them running before, but not on wheels.  Interesting....still debating how much I *love* them.

Other adventures from today include a wonderful visit with my friend Heather and her beautiful daughter Jillian.  Jillian is currently at Riley Children's Hospital and we eagerly await for her to be home with mom and dad.  But it was ever so wonderful to sit and reconnect with Heather.  It's been over a year since we've sat and talked, but it was like no time had passed at all.  She is a dear friend and wonderful mother.  Hopefully our next visit will be sooner than next year!  (ps...It was great to see her hubby Wade on Saturday, which was the reminder that I needed to come up and see her & Jillian.)

So my deep insight for embrace and continue to kindle relationships of all sorts.  For the case of me, today it's is worth it to drive and see them, or call them to talk...but take the time to do so.  I didn't want the time in the hospital room to end...just as I didn't want the ride to end...but luckily time with Connie will continue as we go out on the town. :)

Until tomorrow...

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