Sunday, August 26, 2012

biking for ice cream.

After worship today a great group of youth and adults went for a great bike ride.
We hit the rail trial in Cornwall and headed to the Jigger Shop in Mt. Gretna....stopped for lunch and ice cream...and biked back.

On the way there I had the opportunity to get caught up with one of the high school youth....we talked about life, school, sports and drama....both the club and the day to day stuff in life.

Once there, I enjoyed a cheese burger, fries and a butterscotch Jigger Sundae. (yum!)

On the way back I biked with two 8th grade girls....we literally coasted for more than half of the way back.  It was great fun.

Such a blessing to be outside on a beautiful day, spend time with some great youth from the congregation and eat some tasty treats.

So, yesterday I finished reading The Happiness Project It was a good read.  It's fun to join others on their 30 day, or in this case 12 months of adventures.  I did pick up on a few things that I laugh out loud...I know I do this from time to time, but last night I took advantage of it.  I was having a hard time falling asleep after multiple lattes so I stared playing with the cat...needless to say I got a few scratches on my hands...and eventually she left....but low an behold about 10 minutes later she bounded onto the bed to attack my feet.  All I could do was laugh.

Here's wishing you many laughs . . . and ice cream, too.

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