Sunday, May 6, 2012

what i learned today.

First of the middle of a zany morning....which was just the beginning of a super long day, I was invited to dinner with a family in my congregation.  At that point...I was enticed by a home cooked meal at the end of the day.  As I left contemporary service around dinner time...all I could think was, woah, it would be great to just be home. 

But dinner was homemade beef stew with a side of freshly steamed locally picked asparagus and a family with laughter, honesty and great hospitality.

Lesson number one:  It's well worth it, especially when you're let God's grace embrace you.

I did have an hour of down time between confirmation and returning back to church for contemporary I sat on the porch and enjoyed some iced tea and enjoyed the beginnings of The Complete Joy of Homebrewing....Beer, History, America and Homebrew.

Lesson number two:  Relax. Don't worry. Have a homebrew!

And now....after some Food Network and a cat napping on my lap, and a quick blog's time to turn off the tv, crawl into bed and snooze away. 

Lesson number three:  A good night's sleep is just what I need, rather than an episode of Iron Chef America. 

Until tomorrow . . .

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