Sunday, April 10, 2011

sunday, sunday, sunday

Short two mile ride today...street ride with the mountain bike, so not as comfy as usual...but I was short on time because I had lunch with a family celebrating the little one's third birthday :)  You can't go wrong when you leave and get hugs from all the kiddos....

I heart my neighbors. 

A good day. 

Reason number #10 for #30daysofbiking...totally unrelated to today's events.
When I check in my rides at dailymile it says I'm an athlete.  (That brings a smile to my face every day.)

Until tomorrow's ride. was amazing today:

Picture the 8am service, there were arrangements at the foot of the altar from yesterday's funeral.  After Sunday School the tall flowers - pedals decorated by the youth during the Lenten Fair - were added to the mix.  I like that they spring out of the funeral arrangements...seeing the new life, the now and future generations of the church stemming from the saints who have gone before us.

Then during the late service the kiddos brought up all the school kits to be blessed before we send them out to Lutheran World Relief.  Seeing the growth and love and grace of God moving beyond these walls to children in countries around the just plain awesome. 

As we continue to journey to the is wonderful to see God at work in the world here and now. 

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